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The Black Girls Guide to The Pivot

Nov 20, 2020

Like change? Usually the answer is no, however Change is something we should all prepare for and when we are ready even embrace change!! Kim shares some great tips on how to be a Change agent and Pivot your mindset to prepare and embrace change!

Nov 5, 2020

It's that time of year!!! But this year will be different, how can you prepare for the holidays and still make it magical and special? Listen to Sylvia our Evolution of Self Specialist as she shares 5 strategies to make this holiday memorable!

Oct 29, 2020

Sometimes you need a blueprint or a reminder of how to show up like the boss that you are! Well friend I share with you my 5 practical tips to get you started on the path of Recognizing how Boss you are!

Oct 15, 2020

Its Transformation Thursday with Kim Watson, Growth Coach Kim Let's Reimagine Success!! This episode brings together her entire series on success!! If you enjoyed her lives it gets even better in this episode!!
Click the link below to listen now or find us on your favorite...

Oct 1, 2020

There are times when our body may not be feeling it, but how do we move forward in spite of it? Listen to Sylvia as she shares 4 tips you can use now!